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In 2020, I set out to create better marketing for home services. My passion for this industry was cultivated by a love for one company — Milestone Electric aka Milestone Home Service Co. Working at Milestone for over 10 years and operating as the marketing director from 2015 – 2020 taught me valuable lessons! Lessons on advertising, sure! More importantly lessons on life and faith. Without these lessons I can confidently say that I would not be the man I am today.
Being a part of the Milestone team was an incredible adventure! In fact, Milestone is where I met my business partner Madison. Madison worked in the call center and grew to manage the Milestone agreement plan. We both agree that seeing double digit growth, year over year for 10+ years was intoxicating but was never the reason “we” (Milestone) got out of bed in the morning. Milestone’s purpose has and always will be “we profit to exist — we exist to impact our community.”
Ultimately, all Madison and I want to do is be an extension of this mantra and help more companies make an impact in their communities. The way we make this dream come true is by growing your brand through world class creative. We believe that with our extensive experience in the home service world, we can help companies avoid big mistakes that can hinder growth and profitability.
Let’s have a conversation about your company and how Ethos can help!
Through strategic & creative marketing, we advance home service companies who aspire to reflect God’s character in all that they do.
Being operationally sound is more important than really great marketing.
It’s the consumer who tell us what they want.
The customer is not a quick transaction. The customer is your wife. You date her, you pursue her you don’t swipe right or left, you make her feel beautiful and that she’s the only one that matters.
Ads should do two things in this order. Make you feel; upon emotional connection it than should align consumers to your brand.
Marketing sales the company. Operations sales the product.
A customer makes two purchase decisions in one transaction. They buy the company first, and then the product — If they never buy the company you have a marketing problem. If they buy the company and not the product you have an operations problem. If they buy the product and don’t return, you have a marketing & operations problem.
Good ads are based on “we’re the only one” statements. If your competitors can say the same thing as you, STOP and say something different.
People are selfish — the more time you can spend talking about them the more successful you’ll be.
People aren’t going to remember everything you say but they’ll remember how you made them feel.
Ads are built not to entertain but to sell. What you’re selling is a different discussion.
An amazing product that no one knows about isn’t amazing because we don’t get to use it.
You’ll never convince someone they have a home service problem, they do or they don’t — You just want to be the first one they think about when they do.
People are feeling machines that think.