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AN Owner sayS “I give my best” vs. AN Observer says “I give whats left”
AN Owner sayS “Let’s do it”! vs. AN Observer says “someone else needs to do it”
AN Owner thinkS about “We” vs. AN Observer thinks about “Me”
Owners participate vs Observers spectates
OwnerS ARE contributorS vs Observers are consumers
100% Transparency — We know the world of marketing can be extremely challenging. Mistakes will be made, educated guesses will be wrong but what we can’t miss on is wide open communication. If we have this, everything else will get worked out.
We view ourselves as owners, not observers! We all play different roles that lead to your success. To us, the most important thing we offer is our attitude of ownership!
1K micro decisions happen every single day in the world of marketing and often times, you don’t feel the weight of those decisions until further down the road. You want your team acting and thinking like an owner.